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Labels: photo of the day
“Is it going to last?” I asked him, the question I must ask of every archaeologist.Anyone who has lived in Phoenix for long knows instinctively that this kind of development and sprawl cannot continue. The neighborhood in which I grew up used to be considered the West Side but now seems more like downtown. The Valley of the Sun is steadily spilling down the I-10 all the way to Tucson while the rest of the city has vomited up suburbs in all directions so that now you can drive more than an hour and a half east to west or north to south on the freeway without leaving the city.
“How long, is the question,” Wright replied.
“The Hohokam were a hydraulic society, and so are we,” he explained. “We depend on the presence of water, the storage of water, the transport of water, and as long as the water is there and can serve our needs, we’re fine. But if the water is not falling on the watershed, or if our needs start to outstrip what is available, that’s a problem.”
It does not take an archaeologist to make such a deduction. However, it does take an archaeologist to see what that deduction might mean in the deep time of this city.
“With the Hohokam, you can see the change,” he said. “They went from a large number of small villages to a small number of large villages. You have growing social complexity, but you also have greater and greater dependence on resources that are existing in smaller and smaller areas. They lost their diversity of resources. They lost flexibility.”
“How long do we have?” I pressed.
Wright laughed, but did not answer my question. He could not. There is not yet an answer, just speculation.
“When it does finally happen, whenever that is, what do you think the end will look like?” I asked.
Peering across dazzling fields of light, Wright said, “Like this.”
I looked out to what he was seeing, freeways streaming like arteries, and it looked like the city was on fire, the great bird of Phoenix burning once again. I thought he must be right. At a certain point, the rise must be indistinguishable from the fall, cycles of death and rebirth too tightly interwoven to pick apart.
It was the same so many centuries ago, one arc skyrocketing while the other plummeted; populations mounting while water dwindled. Some archaeologists look at the 14th century, right before the ancient city was deserted, as a time of Hohokam fragmentation and decay. Others look at the same data and see rejuvenation, the building of corporate centers more impressive than anything the Hohokam ever made before.
We now appear to be at a similar juncture. The balancing act may continue for centuries, or the city may topple tomorrow. Archaeologists are not foolish enough to give an exact date, but they are lifting warning flags. They are looking to the future and into the past, and they see the story of Phoenix repeating itself.
Hawking said in an interview with Reuters that he feared that the human race did not have a future if it didn't go into space.These are points worth listening to, and I share his concern about the dire futures facing humanity. Nevertheless, I have to say I disagree with his prescription. Space travel will certainly only bring more scientists into space. After what they have done down here, we ought to think twice before unleashing them upon the rest of the unsuspecting universe.
"I therefore want to encourage public interest in space. A zero-gravity flight is the first step towards space travel," he said.
"Life on Earth is at an ever-increasing risk of being wiped out by a disaster such as sudden global warming, nuclear war, a genetically engineered virus or other dangers," Hawking added at the news conference.
Labels: apocalypse, science, the future
Intelligence has nothing to do with wealth, according to a US study published Tuesday which found that people with below average smarts were just as wealthy as those with higher IQ scores.One problem is that everyone with money thinks they earned it. This despite the fact that they generally have little conception of where wealth actually comes from (surplus value) or the way that historical trends have contributed to their social position (slavery, for instance). Further, they tend to have little appreciation for the way that these various systems that keep others down might in fact be functioning to promote them. For instance, white folks generally chalk up their better access to resources and income to hard work. Of course, this implies that those without money and resources don't work hard. It likewise supposes that those who have money and resources must work very hard.
"People don't become rich because they are smart," said Jay Zagorsky, research scientist at Ohio State University whose study appears in the Journal Intelligence.
The US Bureau of Labor Statistics survey included 7,403 Americans who have been interviewed repeatedly since 1979. Based on 2004 answers, people who are now in their mid-40s showed no link between brain- and earning-power.
For every dollar that a man in Delaware makes, a woman makes 77.5 cents. That's slightly higher than the national average of 77 cents, ranking Delaware 17th highest in the country.This despite many decades of equal pay legislation, including the Equal Pay Act signed by Kennedy in 1963. Clearly, the legislative route has not solved the problem. At the same time, it surely cannot be said that women do not work hard in this country, or that they are not intelligent.
"Progress is being made, but it is slow in coming," said Avis Jones-DeWeever, director of poverty, education and social justice programs at the Institute for Women's Policy Research, a Washington-based think tank. "The reality of things is we still live in a paternalistic culture, which values men's labor over women's."
To the shock of Mississippi officials, who in 2004 had seen the infant mortality rate — defined as deaths by the age of 1 year per thousand live births — fall to 9.7, the rate jumped sharply in 2005, to 11.4. The national average in 2003, the last year for which data have been compiled, was 6.9. Smaller rises also occurred in 2005 in Alabama, North Carolina and Tennessee. Louisiana and South Carolina saw rises in 2004 and have not yet reported on 2005.Although science has apparently yet to discover the many oppressive systems in this society, one researcher still attempts to suggest an explanation for the figures on intelligence and wealth, honing in on a metric that probably comes from personal experience:
Whether the rises continue or not, federal officials say, rates have stagnated in the Deep South at levels well above the national average.
Most striking, here and throughout the country, is the large racial disparity. In Mississippi, infant deaths among blacks rose to 17 per thousand births in 2005 from 14.2 per thousand in 2004, while those among whites rose to 6.6 per thousand from 6.1. (The national average in 2003 was 5.7 for whites and 14.0 for blacks.)
The overall jump in Mississippi meant that 65 more babies died in 2005 than in the previous year, for a total of 481.
Zagorsky said you only have to look in the parking lots of the nation's universities to see that intelligence and wealth are not necessarily linked.Indeed. Zagorsky's a scientist, so he would never explain it this way, but I would put it like this: there are plenty of smart scientists, and yet we still have atomic bombs and genetically modified plants. There are a lot of factors that can get in the way of someone rising based on their intelligence and even ability in a capitalist society. I've discussed a few, but throw in prisons, police, unequal access to social resources like decent education and you start to get a picture of how American capitalism really works, despite all the gilded promises from the capitalists and politicians about equal opportunity, meritocracy and social mobility. This shouldn't be surprising to anyone. After all, why would the architects of society, themselves very wealthy, want a system in which they could be challenged from below?
"Professors tend to be very smart people," he said. "But if you look at university parking lots, you don't see a lot of Rolls Royces, Porsches or other very expensive cars. Instead you see a lot of old, low-value vehicles."
The report stated: "In a world that is increasingly non-stop and competitive, the use of such substances may move from the fringe to the norm, with cognition enhancers used as coffee is today".In a real sense, the questions scientists ask about these drugs reveals the depth of their ignorance about how society really functions. Not suffering from a similar poverty of understanding, we anarchists ought to be insistent with them and demand from scientists precisely what social mechanism they believe will distribute these drugs in a way such that the prime issue will be one of choice, not income and access. Because the truth is, far from being equally distributed, the distribution and access to these drugs will certainly follow established social paths of privilege, wealth and power. Obviously, in a society in which health care is not equally distributed, why would pharmaceuticals - especially non-essential ones?
Other possibilities, it said, would be drug testing of children before they took exams to ensure that some did not cheat with cognitive enhancers, or "cogs".
"The ethical debate about whether or not to use drugs to improve performance in normal schoolchildren and students will probably be resolved over the next 20 years," said the report.
"Similarly, there will be continued debate about the ethics of using cognition enhancers in the workplace".
In addition to drugs that boost pleasure and sexual performance, the Foresight research raised the possibility of drugs that cause selective amnesia, for instance of a bomb attack, after the discovery that drugs called beta blockers can reduce memories of stressful situations.I'm sure somewhere there is a well-meaning scientist laboring late into the night developing a drug to make us working class slobs forget about how shitty things are at work. Something other than beer, that is.
The profile on, under the handle "Viking Son," features several pics of the rotund racist parading in a kilt, debating "anti-white commies" at a demonstration, and searching for illegals with a big set of binoculars. His turn-ons include, "A woman who loves our Race, Kultur, Heritage, History and Future," while turn-offs list "Negativity" and "Race-Mixing," among others.Check out JT's page here:
Labels: immigration, jt ready, white supremacy
High on the Rome agenda will be the issue of sexual relations between humans and machines. Dr David Levy, author of a paper on robot prostitution being presented at the conference, claims that sexbots, like Jude Law's Gigolo Joe character in the Spielberg film A.I., will be commonplace in just 40 years. "I think robots will be developed that have the emotional capability to encourage humans to fall in love with them," he said.Nevertheless, scientists wonder: should robots be given rights equal to humans?
High street retailers are already considering the possibilities. Gordon Lee, from the Ann Summers chain, said: "It's not far away from happening but there definitely need to be ethics involved. We'd always want to make sure there would be foreplay."
Noel Sharkey, a roboticist at the University of Sheffield who is a regular contributor to the BBC's Robot Wars, agreed, but he said there were more immediate concerns. "The idea of machine consciousness and rights is ... a bit of a fairy tale as far as I'm concerned," he said. "My concern is about public safety. I think we need proper, informed, public debate about where we are going with robotics at the moment. We need to tell the public about what's going on in robotics and ask them what they want."I addressed this development not long ago in a PI article, so those interested in some of the class war implications of this technology might be want to check out that article ('2007: The Year Skynet Went Online'). Suffice it to say, however, that while the scientists are wrangling with the issue of rights, class war anarchists ought to be considering the way these technologies will shift power ever more into the hands of the ruling class and a small number of subservient scientists and technicians.
Last year the South Korean military unveiled a robot border guard built by Samsung that can shoot targets up to 500 metres away. He said these could be programmed with a shoot-to-kill policy. The US, meanwhile, is on the way to achieving its goal of replacing one third of its ground vehicles with autonomous robots.
"It would be great if all the military were robots and they could fight each other, but that's not going to be the case," he said. "My biggest concern there is that it goes against the body bag politics. If you don't have body bags coming home, you can start a war much more easily."
Once robots become more common in warfare, he predicted they would be used more widely in policing and surveillance; so far there has been very little serious and informed public debate on these issues.
Offenders could, he suggested, be monitored at home by a guard robot and the streets could be patrolled by mobile robot CCTV. They could also be used to deal with riots and other civil disturbances, he predicted. "Imagine the miners' strike with robots armed with water cannon."
Like all technologies, Sharkey says, the problem with robotics lies in its applications.No matter what use this tech finds, it will surely be a reflection of the narrow technocratic class that created it and the capitalist and political/bureaucratic class that funds, develops and deploys it. Such technologies, developed in that environment, cannot help but serve those masters. There is no way they can be used properly. Their flaws are in their development.
"We can imagine lots of frightening scenarios," he said, adding that it is up to the public to decide how robots should be employed.
"If they are used properly, robots will ultimately benefit mankind."
Labels: class struggle, robotics, science, the future
"There’s a lot of baggage associated with the image," Mr. Visconti said, which the makeover "is glossing over."Uncle Ben, who first appeared in ads in 1946, is being reborn as Ben, an accomplished businessman with an opulent office, a busy schedule, an extensive travel itinerary and a penchant for sharing what the company calls his "grains of wisdom" about rice and life. A crucial aspect of his biography remains the same, though: He has no last name.
"What’s powerful to me is to show an African-American icon in a position of prominence and authority," Mr. Howell said. "As an African-American, he makes me feel so proud."
Vincent Howell, president for the food division of the Masterfoods USA unit of Mars, said that because consumers described Uncle Ben as having "a timeless element to him, we didn’t want to significantly change him."
The previous reluctance to feature Uncle Ben prominently in ads stood in stark contrast to the way other human characters like Orville Redenbacher and Colonel Sanders personify their products. That reticence can be traced to the contentious history of Uncle Ben as the black face of a white company, wearing a bow tie evocative of servants and Pullman porters and bearing a title reflecting how white Southerners once used "uncle" and "aunt" as honorifics for older blacks because they refused to say "Mr." and "Mrs."
In addition to Uncle Ben, there was Aunt Jemima, who sold pancake mix in ads that sometimes had her exclaiming, "Tempt yo’ appetite;" a grinning black chef named Rastus, who represented Cream of Wheat hot cereal; the Gold Dust Twins, a pair of black urchins who peddled a soap powder for Lever Brothers; the Frito Bandito, who spoke in an exaggerated Mexican accent; and characters selling powdered drink mixes for Pillsbury under names like Injun Orange and Chinese Cherry — the latter baring buck teeth.
"The only time blacks were put into ads was when they were athletic, subservient or entertainers," said Marilyn Kern Foxworth, the author of "Aunt Jemima, Uncle Ben and Rastus: Blacks in Advertising Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow."
Howard Buford, chief executive at Prime Access in New York, an agency specializing in multicultural campaigns, said he gave the campaign’s creators some credit. "It’s potentially a very creative way to handle the baggage of old racial stereotypes as advertising icons," he said, but "it’s going to take a lot of work to get it right and make it ring true."Nevertheless, Uncle Ben's has gone ahead with the project, even updating the website so that visitors can tour Chairman Ben's office, even reading his emails and checking his messages.For instance, Mr. Buford said, noting all the "Ben" references in the ads, "Rarely do you have someone of that stature addressed by his first name" — and minus any signs of a surname.
Mr. Buford, who is a real-life black leader of a company, likened the promotion of Uncle Ben to the abrupt plot twists on TV series like "Benson" and "Designing Women," when black characters in subservient roles one season became professionals the next.
Mr. Visconti of Diversity Inc. Media struck a similar chord. He said he would have turned Ben’s office into “a learning experience,” furnishing it with, for example, books by Frederick Douglass and the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.Still, Uncle Ben's promotion notwithstanding, massive disparities between the economic status and opportunities of whites and Blacks persist, rooted in several hundred years of white supremacy and today manifesting through the prison and education system, among others. Uncle Ben's stunning advancement may be a first step towards evening the playing field when it comes to imaginary characters, but what does the company plan to do about actually existing inequalities? In the end, it's one more lesson that capitalism is interested more in a PR whitewash than an actual redistribution of wealth and power. There's a surprise.
“I’ve never been in the office of African-Americans of this era who didn’t have something in their office showing what it took to get them there,” Mr. Visconti said.
Labels: news
Labels: immigration, rich scum, rusty childress, white supremacy
"Some very interesting laws are being passed. They don't name me; they don't say, take the guns away from the n***ers. They say that people will no longer be allowed to have (guns). They don't pass these rules and these regulations specifically for black people, they have to pass them in a way that will take in everybody."Nevertheless, while the language of such laws may be colorblind these days, the enforcement certainly is not. Further, registration itself cannot be divorced from white supremacy. In a great wave around 1920, much of the South implemented gun registration, intending it to apply specifically to Blacks, although the language itself was more broad. If the police determine who can get a gun, you can bet it won't be people they view as a threat!
Labels: gun control, history, laws, racism, white supremacy
Robot Rules of War
Legally-speaking, the business of killing even in war can be quite tricky.
Consider that the military now operates dozens of armed unmanned vehicles -- in the air, on land and in the water. That number is expected to rise exponentially in the near future.
The Law of Armed Conflict dictates that unmanned systems cannot fire their weapons without a human operator in the loop. As new generations of armed robots proliferate, the pressure will inevitably increase to automate the process of selecting -- and destroying -- targets.
Now comes the weird part.
Read the rest at
Labels: military, robotics, technology
Motorists traveling northbound on Scottsdale Road through McDowell Road still see a red-light camera on the northeast corner. But that camera hasn’t snapped a violation since October 2002. Motorists heading east or west on Shea Boulevard haven’t had the chance of a camera citation at Hayden Road since December 2001.Indeed, the speed camera business is booming, according to a Tribune article that ran last week. Other Valley cities are getting in on the act and are considering installing cameras both to automate justice and to spy on local drivers, not to mention to extract revenue from unconsenting residents of other cities that pass through town (who, conveniently, can't vote against the politicians supporting their installation).
The main reason the old boxes aren’t removed is deterrence, officials say.
“One of the reasons considered is would they offer a deterrent? And yes they would,” Scottsdale spokesman Pat Dodds said. “There was no harm in leaving them there, so it was decided to leave them, and through natural attrition, remove them.”
The cameras, which are in gray or white boxes with two visible lenses pointing at vehicles, do look different than the more modern digital cameras that currently exist at eight intersections, along Frank Lloyd Wright Boulevard and Loop 101. But unless a motorist is familiar with the differing tech- nology, one would likely have no idea.
The conflicting cameras even appear at the same intersection. Southbound Scottsdale Road travelers at Thomas Road see a deactivated camera, but northbound travelers face a live camera that could cite them for running a red light or speeding.
Scottsdale has no immediate plans to take the old cameras down, but will remove them if an intersection undergoes construction or it is once again slated for live cameras, Dodds said. The old camera at Hayden and McDonald roads, for instance, was taken down when the intersection was widened.
“If police believe it’s a good deterrent and it’s not conflicting with something else, I really have no problem with them being there,” said Councilman Wayne Ecton, who was unaware of the deactivated cameras.
And an East Valley company is one of the front-runners in the race for national dominance in the camera-centered road crime-catching business.The cameras on the Loop 101, which Scottsdale controversially turned back on after a brief hiatus for evaluation, snapped more than 24,000 pictures in the month following their reactivation.
American Traffic Solutions grew its client base by a whopping 40 percent in just the last three months.
The privately owned company, which located its headquarters and global operations center in Scottsdale and its regional customer service and tech center in Mesa, has added 17 clients so far in 2007, upping its portfolio to 60.
Mesa, Phoenix, Glendale and Avondale are among those who use American Traffic Solutions services.
The company is pitching to Tempe, Scottsdale and 18 others that use other service providers or haven’t yet installed a traffic camera system, said Sherri Teille, the company’s marketing manager. And if the Arizona Department of Transportation decides to dot Loop 101 with cameras, the local company is itching to bid for the business, she said.
Labels: police, scottsdale, speed cameras, technology
"Strange business, this crusading spirit of the managers and engineers, the idea of designing and manufacturing and distributing being sort of a holy war; all that folklore was cooked up by public relations and advertising men hired by managers and engineers to make big business popular in the old days, which it certainly wasn't in the beginning. Now, the engineers and managers believe with all their hearts the glorious things their forbears hired people to say about them. Yesterday's snow job becomes today's sermon."-Kurt Vonnegut, Player Piano
Labels: civilization, vonnegut
Unfortunately, my disappointment with Vogue is not limited to the April issue. I was shocked by the picture of Jennifer Hudson on the cover of the March issue. The choice of Jennifer Hudson is to be applauded. She is only the third African American woman to grace the cover and her recent rise to success can account for the selection. This was Vogue’s chance to show that full figured women are a more realistic ideal of beauty. Sadly, Hudson’ picture was airbrushed and she was posed so that her collar bones would stick out so that she would appear thinner. She also has her mouth wide open, like she is waiting to taking a bite out of a cheeseburger. The red Carolina Herrera dress might be glamorous, but the cover shot is far from it.For many, the effects on the female workers who produce the clothes is safely hidden from view, but this article reminds us that the fashion industry's toll on the minds and self-images of women is often likewise obscured. Ad agencies and fashion designers trot out unattainable standards of beauty, style and femininity for broad consumption, further adding to the already deafening assault of the industry's sales pitches that both manufacture and then feed off women's insecurities, opening up opportunities that other industries can exploit for profit.
Despite Wintour’s claims to the contrary, the connection between fashion and self-image has been well documented. According to a 1990 study of 162 college women, exposure to thin models was related to lower self-evaluations, regardless of the level of self-reported bulimic symptoms. (Turner, et al, Adolescence, Fall 1997) In a later study, Turner found that “although the two groups of women . . . did not differ significantly in height or weight, those who read fashion magazines prior to completing a body image satisfaction survey desired to weigh less and perceived themselves more negatively than did those who read news magazines. Exposure to fashion magazines was related to women's greater preoccupation with being thin, dissatisfaction with their bodies, frustration about weight, and fear about deviating from the thin standard.”
Labels: advertizing, fashion, feminism, women
Information chips implanted in the brain. Electromagnetic pulse weapons. The middle classes becoming revolutionary, taking on the role of Marx's proletariat. The population of countries in the Middle East increasing by 132%, while Europe's drops as fertility falls. "Flashmobs" - groups rapidly mobilised by criminal gangs or terrorists groups.Read about it in the Guardian:
This is the world in 30 years' time envisaged by a Ministry of Defence team responsible for painting a picture of the "future strategic context" likely to face Britain's armed forces. It includes an "analysis of the key risks and shocks". Rear Admiral Chris Parry, head of the MoD's Development, Concepts & Doctrine Centre which drew up the report, describes the assessments as "probability-based, rather than predictive".
The 90-page report comments on widely discussed issues such as the growing economic importance of India and China, the militarisation of space, and even what it calls "declining news quality" with the rise of "internet-enabled, citizen-journalists" and pressure to release stories "at the expense of facts". It includes other, some frightening, some reassuring, potential developments that are not so often discussed.
The Silent Guardian™ protection system is a revolutionary less-than-lethal directed energy application that employs millimeter wave technology to repel individuals or crowds without causing injury. The system provides a zone of protection that saves lives, protects assets and minimizes collateral damage. Silent Guardian produces precise effects at longer ranges than current less-than-lethal systems and provides real-time ability to establish intent and de-escalate aggression. Various commercial and military applications include law enforcement, checkpoint security, facility protection, force protection and peacekeeping missions. The system is available now and ready for action.The problem from our standpoint as revolutionaries is that sometimes the very things that the system's new weapon is designed to protect (certain lives and assets) are precisely the things that even very legitimate social movements sometimes need to put in jeopardy in order to accomplish our political goals. This, of course, shouldn't be controversial; after all, isn't that what states use armies and police for?
One major project that receives billions in support involves using force without killing: so-called "nonlethal weapons." These include a wide range of new devices mostly intended to achieve control over unruly crowds.As I have written before, those of us interested in the future of social struggle would do well to pay attention to this debate, not just for its tactical and strategic honesty, but also for the way it highlights the point at which the state's democratic theory collides with the harsh reality that the democratic state, like any other, exists to protect the wealth and power of a very small capitalist and bureaucratic elite.
Added to the rubber bullets that have been around for a long time are rubber grenades. These were developed because crowds can set up mattress barricades to fend off rubber bullets and shotgun-fired bean bags. But a grenade can be tossed over the mattresses, shooting out hard little rubber balls in every direction when it explodes.
Another crowd-control device is known by the typically opaque Pentagon moniker "active denial." This is a system designed to use millimeter-length directed energy waves to overheat skin. The idea is that a crowd will quickly find that it literally cannot take the heat of a confrontation with our troops.
Much care is given to avoiding lethal effects or permanent damage. Rubber bullets and grenade pellets are hard enough to hurt, but it is believed they will seldom do permanent harm.
And the short wave-length of active-denial systems means the human skin will feel as if it is on fire, but only on the surface, unlike a microwave, which penetrates more than an inch (and is why these are good for heating food). The point is, people won't actually be getting cooked.
But there are huge problems with nonlethal weapons. Sometimes rubber bullets do kill people, usually children when they are struck in the head. A crowd that thinks it is on fire may stampede, and many may die from trampling.
Even a handful of deaths caused by supposedly nonlethal weapons would undermine the whole notion of trying to take a measured response, as the Israelis have found in their efforts to deal with stone-throwing Palestinian mobs over the years.
Even more serious is the problem that, if an unruly populace knows you aren't going to use lethal force, it has every reason to keep to the streets. The choice to use nonlethal weapons tells the crowd that their risk is minimized. This is one of the reasons that the first intifada went on for about seven years (1987-93), as has the second one. Nonlethal force, it turns out, is not much of a deterrent.
Clearly, then, there are reasons to scrutinize carefully the whole idea of pouring money into nonlethal weapons. Nonetheless, a host of them are being developed. Beyond rubber-pellet grenades and super-heating devices, there are weapons that shock with sound, some that temporarily blind, even sticky foams designed to freeze people in place.
It's time to close the spending spigot on most of these. They all suffer from the same problems of being hard to use discriminately and having the unwitting potential, simply because they are nonlethal, to foment rather than tamp down unrest.
Perhaps a better choice might be upgrading the arsenal of deadly weapons.
If the cause of peace is worth supporting — and we believe it is — then peace protesters must demonstrate the values they promote. The vast majority of the estimated 15,000 protesters who took part in a peace march Sunday in downtown Portland did just that. They were well-behaved, well-intentioned and serious about their cause.The Oregonian echoed that message, saying,
But then there was a smaller group of demonstrators — if they can even be called that — who engaged in numerous actions that violated the sensibilities of ordinary people and damaged the very cause the activists claimed to endorse.
This splinter group of protesters showed its support for “peace” by burning a U.S. soldier in effigy. It exhibited its supposedly pacifist nature by knocking a police officer off his bike — an action that brought out the police riot squad.
The anti-war demonstrators who behaved responsibly this past weekend have an obligation to denounce — and distance themselves from — those protesters who purposefully offend others and consequently destroy the intended message of peace.
P eople who marched through downtown Portland against the U.S. military mission in Iraq on Sunday put on a remarkable display. A reported 15,000 marched and chanted in opposition to the war and the White House strategy in Iraq -- many more than gathered in San Francisco or New York.Some demonstrators had deviated from the script. If mass organizing is given props at all, it is only when it remains cowed, begging and, most of all, non-violent - even in the face of extreme state violence. While this position is hypocritical, in a real sense - and for obvious reasons - this does reflect the experience of most elites, who generally do find the system responsive to their legal participation. Of course, the elite itself also quite regularly breaks the law in the pursuit of its own politics. However, because the system is of its own design most of the time they don't have to.
Most of the marchers were peaceful and reasonable. A few were not. Unfortunately, the most memorable images from the protest will be of the few and not of the many.
On the South Park Blocks, a handful of people set afire a uniformed effigy of a U.S. soldier and an upside-down flag. Around them, bystanders took pictures. Some of these images have made several loops of the planet by now, with the "Portland" marquee from the Performing Arts Center centered in the background.
The backlash began a day later.
Labels: heat ray, less-lethal, technology
Reclaiming public space or attacking private property? Time after time of seeing working folks' evicted, their former abodes razed, and then high end condos put in their place, I've lately been more attracted to the entire scrapping of the concept of private property. Not so much because I enjoy dwelling on the negative, but just to settle shit with the rich once and for all. No more of the "We're reclaiming public space for all the people," just so the rich can take it back later and resettle it with their developments. Let's get with it and get to work on killing private property, so that we are no longer in the position of arguing the false dichotomy of advocating for public space, while all space is constantly enclosed upon.The article goes on to feature video and analysis of the vanguard of anti-gentrification resistance in our town, highlighting the work of local artist, Disposable Hero, who has been hard at work counter-attacking in the public space that the invading armies of yuppies are so keen on fencing in. Disposable Hero and other similar combatants stand for a different interpretation of public space, and they deploy themselves and their art against those yuppies that scheme to cleanse our town of the last vestiges of real urbanism so they can crawl inside it's hollowed out shell and live out their plastic lives.
Tillman's name remains in the news with investigations revealing the Army's deception in reporting the circumstances surrounding the soldier's death, but Garwood said the run is not about how his close friend's life ended.However, it should be pointed out that if Tillman died for freedom, Pat's Run poses a curious contradiction: we didn't experience the same welcoming treatment when we seized downtown Tempe two years in a row for anti-gentrification May Day protests. Nor, of course, do Tempe's homeless, poor and non-white residents, who have been very clearly given the message that they should not consider themselves a part of Tempe's new "urban" environment, whatever their past contributions.
"When you think of Pat Tillman, I want you to think about the incredible life that he lived," Garwood said in a telephone interview on Thursday. "The investigations and revelations, that's a part of it, but that's not his fault. The reason we have a run is because Pat lived. That's what I want you to know."
ASU police will soon mount two $28,000 license plate scanners onto two police vehicles, one that will patrol the Tempe campus and one that will travel between the other campuses.The city is the fist to the private gentrifier's glove. And, in the modern technological era, such attacks on public space don't always come in the form of a billy club. Nevertheless, the effect is the same.
The scanners will automatically screen a vehicle's plate and instantly retrieve all of the information linked to it. Officers can instantly tell whether the car was stolen and how many parking tickets it has received, said Cmdr. Jim Hardina of ASU police.
This should deter people from parking stolen vehicles on ASU property, Hardina said.
Police officials are excited to have this technology. The scanners will save them time, and they hope to have them up and running by the end of April, Hardina said.
Labels: art, gentrification, public space, technology, tempe