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Saturday, September 08, 2007

A laugh riot at APEC

Comedians from the Australian TV show "Chasers War On Everything" were arrested yesterday for accomplishing what so far the actual protesters of the APEC summit have been unable to do: puncture the high security surrounding the event. Riding in an official-looking caravan, flagged as Canadian (because "they thought Canada would be a country that might not be too closely scrutinised and might realistically have only three cars in a motorcade.") and surrounded by fake security, the entourage managed to get past a couple levels of the police and to within a dozen meters of the hotel housing Bush and other leaders. The two stars of the show, one of whom was dressed as Osama bin Laden (who himself made a dubious appearance in the media), and several members of the crew were arrested for the stunt.

The show has made a point of targeting the summit in several hilarious skits that focus on the police state that has descended on Sydney along with the various Pacific leaders. I have posted below one of those segments along with some news coverage of their most recent APEC hi-jinks.

As for the rest of the protest, while police have been eager to deploy their new goodies (a water cannon, for instance) and to kick some ass, the mood has been tame. The Sydney Morning Herald, however, reports that the brothels have been doing a booming business.
"It's been going gangbusters," Adult Business Association NSW spokesman Chris Seage said yesterday.

"Businesses that were banking on a 200 per cent increase in business have done better than that with it up by 300 per cent.

"There have been secret service agents, trade envoys, but no Putins yet."
Several specials were trotted out for the event, including the "the Condi Combo, the UN Duo and the Presidential Platter."

Enjoy the videos:

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